Totally Obsessed with my weiner!

I will talk about Molly frequently on this blog so this is just the beginning. No she isnt a rat, this was just her bath time picture. Daddy always gives her baths and she will just stand there and shiver.

This is her Valentines Day sweater although John hates to see it on her. I only find it appropriate that she wears this sweater the entire month of February. It has been a year since I was surprised with the arrival of Molly and I cant imagine life without her. She brings so much joy to John and I. A new found love is watching how she reacts to Animal Planet. She loves watching the cheetahs, cats and elephants. No competition! We need to work on more tricks but she knows how to lay, sit, up and paw. Her favorite toy is a deer antler thanks to my wonderful friend Shannon! I would love to get Molly a little brother or sister.

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