The Color Yellow

We are loving Zoo Tots at the Jacksonville Zoo. This is the first time M has taken classes here. They always read 2 or 3 books each class. Today we read Why Are Animals Yellow? by Melissa Stewart and Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae.

They start the class by coloring a picture to get the kids warmed up to being in the class and not just being at home with mommy. This weeks coloring page came from National Geographic. I visited their site and they have tons of animal printables and other activities.

They always sing a song. And this week it was 

Nature's Rainbow: The Color Yellow
Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It

If you like the color yellow, 
clap your hands,
If you like the color yellow,
clap your hands.
If you like the sun, bananas, giraffes,
Bumblebees and lemons,
If you like the color yellow, 
clap your hands.

They end the class by making a craft and this week they made brown paper bag giraffe puppets. M loves puppets. He loves running around the house with daddys sock on his hand. 

He was also able to touch two animals this class, Theresa the Florida Box Turtle and a Bearded Dragon named Goldie.

We ended the night by reading a color book and playing i spy using the color yellow. We need to get this kid from not thinking everything is the color blue. We still love you as long as he knows the only color blue is duke blue.

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