
Ahoy! It's a Boy!

I enjoy having something on the front door to make the house look more homey. My mom is great at making wreaths which is who normally makes my Thanksgiving and Christmas wreaths. Mom has a great eye at adding just the right amount of everything to make the wreath look full and just perfect. I want to make something to hang on the door for the arrival of Baby Leeds. I checked out a few sights and of course Etsy and came up with a few ideas I really like.

MG Designs

I searched everywhere online trying to find someone who sold plain wooden cut out wreaths that looked like this but was very unsuccessful. I know that my Uncle Jimmy would love to make some of these, what great Christmas presents they would make! I am going to try to make my own little version but instead of using a wreath I am going to paint a star and then hang something from the star that says Ahoy! It's a Boy! Pictures in the future!

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